by : Jocelyn Cottencin et Tiago Guedes

durée : 04:55 mn


Capture d’écran 2018-05-04 à 17.18.42

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Notion of vocabulary is one of direction of my work. I met Tiago during Just A Walk** project. We wanted to find a « space » to work in commun. I proposed to explore the notion of anthropomorphic typeface. So we began to work on « Vocabulario typepography », but a mooving typeface. I was (I’m) much interested by the abstract form generated by the letter’s construction  than the letter itself.
« vocabulario » is a sort of material, now I use to build visuel and graphic projects. One this project, was a settlement I presented during Just A Walk exhibition. It’s a line of 10 screen TV, on each tv one action appears, and reveals one letter, so niddle by niddle you see some words appears and deseppears, like in a never ending construction.

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